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Fantasy ebooks

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Category: Fantasy, Adventure

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Title: The Chosen - Rise of Cithria Part 1
Author: Kris Kramer, Alistair McIntyre, Patrick Underhill

The beginning of a six-part fantasy epic! Three kingdoms at war, each kingdom written by a different author, with different characters, styles, and inspirations. Book 1, The Chosen, shows the early stages of this story. Characters from the militaristic human kingdom of Caldera discover a strange mystery that leads them into battlefields far to the north, in search of survivors from a fabled lance company that went missing. Explorers from Andua, the home of magic-wielding humans, elves, nuathreen and firbolgs, search undiscovered caves deep below the forest, some scavenging for treasure, while others help a young woman find her lost love. Hardy warriors from Bergmark, a northern kingdom ruled by dwarves and their havtrol allies, have attacked the northern regions of both Andua and Caldera, and now a small band of them hunt renegade havtrols who are rampaging through the defenseless villages of their new subjects. The three groups start on separate paths, but their quests will converge in ways they didn't think possible, leading them to discover a fourth realm, long forgotten, but no longer dormant.

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Category: Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction

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Title: Quest for Knowledge (Volume 1 of the FirstWorld Saga)
Author: Christopher Jackson-Ash

FirstWorld is at the centre of the multiverse. It is the dimension that existed as the universe before The Sundering ripped apart Time and created a myriad of new dimensions. Now FirstWorld is under threat together with the entire multiverse. A Hero is needed to wield a great Sword, perhaps the most powerful weapon ever created.

Simon Redhead is a medical student in the near future of a dimension not unlike our own. He is shy and mild-mannered but by chance carries the genes that could make him a great manifestation of the Everlasting Hero. He is snatched from his dimension and taken to FirstWorld where he learns about the threat and is pressed into service.

How will someone who has sworn to do no harm reconcile with the opportunity to take up a terrible weapon and butcher people? Simon will struggle to understand the cosmic battle between Law and Chaos, and the role that The Balance plays. He will try to understand where good and evil fit in.

His travels in time will inadvertently contribute to The Sundering. Will he choose to stay in the past with a primitive Paleolithic tribe, where he finds happiness, or will he return to the present and help his new friends defeat the enemy at the gates of the Wizards' Keep?

This is epic fantasy inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien and Michael Moorcock. It is elves & dwarves meets sword & sorcery with a few time travel paradoxes thrown in for good measure.

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Category: Fiction, Fantasy

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Title: Spectres of the Owls
Author: KN Schultz

A great cataclysm seperated civilization into isolated walled cities connected by encased roads through a  bramble of wilderness teeming with inking black evil. Amongst these unforgiving wilds, mechanical owls and fabled sorcerers live and serve to protect the roads and cities from massive infestation and assimilation from the black tentaclesd beasts living in the meandering river between and through the cities.

The owls begin to nest, for a permanent sedentary lifestyle as their metal feathers and cogs rust from the lack of scheduled preventative maintainence. The Polisher, the owls' cleaner is missing, leaving the important task to a feeble minded old sorcerer to collect the Polisher's tools and begin cleaning the animals that keep the evil at bay.

Recruiting a local brawler, pilot, and mechanician, the old sorcerer retrieves the tools, finds out the fate of the Polisher, and aids the pilot in seeking revenge against the monsters before returning home to polish and clean the sacred owls.

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Category: Action, Adventure, Fantasy

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Title: Tales of the Dreamer Witch
Author: Tanya Ferris

Sandra Nox is a young space traveller, who defies the interstellar Palladian tyranny and ventures to various fantastical places all over the known universe, experiencing the most incredible adventures.

In the first story (Theft of a Myth) Sandra Nox manages to become a star gladiator on planet Phaon, but this is not why she arrived there on the first place: in fact, she is pursuing a much more challenging goal.

In the second story (Distant Planet) the heroine visits an isolated, frozen planet, in search of an ancient jewel which enhances mental powers. However, this is not the only thing she finds there.

In the third story (Descent to the Nether Zone) the dreamer witch goes all the way down to the Nether Zone, in order to help her beloved Arion save his world from extinction.

In the fourth story (A Ship Called Destiny) Sandra goes aboard and investigates an odd ancient ship, where unholy secrets are lurking.

In the fifth story (Beyond Heaven) Sandra travels beyond the limits of the known universe.

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Ebook Type: ePUB
Category: Fantasy, Horror, Holidays

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Title: Legend of the Undead Santa
Author: KN Schultz

During the sweltering unadulterated drunken mayhem of his yearly summer vacation with his magical reindeer, Old Man Santa falls victim to the gnashing murderous jaws of a very disgruntled and provoked shark. Torn to bits and spewed back into the ocean, the jolly old fat man and his companions wash ashore to be reassembled under the strange voodoo practices of a rogue witch doctor.

Meanwhile, a deranged yeti, deformed to look like a child's snowman, conquers the North Pole. He steals Mrs. Kringle, Santa's latest and luscivious young bride and enslaves the elves with their fabled workshop to make disgusting presents to spread worldwide dismay and dischord.

Old Man Kringle sends one of his undead reindeer to recruit him a deviant bloodthirsty army to aid him in the revenge against the monster that had him murdered and turned into a slobbering and festering brain eating corpse.

To the North Pole Old Man Santa takes his army to discover the truth, a jealous yeti stole his wife and Christmas. Through the Arctic into Siberia, the battle wages until the Undead Santa wins and saves Christmas.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fantasy, Fiction, Science Fiction

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Title: Mechanical Afterlife
Author: KN Schultz

In a dark brooding world after a great cataclysm, society hangs barely by loose threads amongst savagelands. The cities are isolated, walled, and mechanical driven. Travel amongst them is done by infested river waters.

Ratchet Jack, a dazed and unnerved dock worker, survives a vicious attack by the river demons, but feels alien to the world around him. Looking to cross the river to the other side of town after bridge curfew, he finds himself seeking the aid of his waitress friend, Osana.

Through the darkening streets, she leads him to a recluse inventor and frequent after dark river smuggler, Nimble Tom.

Atop Nimble Tom's apartment complex, Rachet Jack finds the answer to his problem to cross the dangerous river. Affixed to a launching mechanism that resembles a much larger version of a simple child's toy, a wooden glider offers passage.

Determined to find a new station in life for herself across the river, Osana joins Ratchet Jack as Nimble Tom launches them high into the air to the mercy of the winds and water below.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Adventure, Children, Fantasy

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Title: Mr. Planemaker's Diving Machine

Dell and Emmelisa Planemaker have no sooner returned from their space mission to follow their dad's trail of light. than they are off on a new adventure!

They cannot contain their curiosity when another strange-looking man turns up on the old computer warning them not to go back to Hardwareland, where they'd trained to become astronauts,

A group of criminals attempt to steal money from Mrs. Planemaker, so Dell and Emmelisa set about learning how to stop them, and there's a great deal to learn! They return to Hardwareland to attend cyber crime courses, take scuba diving lessons and undergo submersible pilot training. When they've passed all the courses, the intrepid aquanauts are ready to begin their next mission: to fish out the cyber criminals.

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Category: Fiction, Fantasy, Horror

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Title: Cadaver Mundus
Author: KN Schultz

Cadaver Mundus is the unnerving realm of Victor Frankenstein's ghastly night terrors, dark visions, and impossible premonitions as he descends into the madness of his own nightmares.

Gods, devils, machines, monsters, undead, and man alike battle for the dominion of a faulty and unwholesome universe, haunting Frankenstein in the dark corners between his construction of his creature, its bride, the murder of his family, and the hunting of the monster to the remote Arctic.

As Victor battles his creature, the spectres of his nightmares lift him away into their harsh reality, revealing a far worse existence than what he experienced or imagined.

 He joins their existence, creating his own family and future to again have it stolen and decimated. Slowly, he descends into the madness of reconfiguring humanity into his design, what he believes to be a better solution for mankind. Assuming the role of god and creator, his hunger for mankind's salvation becomes tainted with the insatiable lust for power and control.

Thus, Victor Frankenstein initiates war to create a Corpse Cosmos of the perfect people. 

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fantasy, Horror, Fiction

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Title: Geared Corpse Lovers
Author: KN Schultz

The world changed aeons ago with the Great Cataclysm, creating a new one of stranger and darker realities as science and the occult struggle for remains of humanity. The New World contains walled scientific minded cities set sparsely apart amongst a vast wilderness of occult nightmares. Piece by piece, life succumbs to horrors old and new.

Within a city, a pair of lovers, brought back from the dead with mechanical salvation, enter a forbidden occult library to find the incantations and spells to forever split their flesh from the dilapidated machines commanding their bodies. Left over from the time before the Cataclysm, they suffer from immense age that rots and wears away the gears, cogs, and alloys of their internal machines. Rather than become more machine and lose the last of their humanity, they opt for the dark contents of the forbidden library.

Inside, a vast labyrinth of thousands upon thousands of books beckons them and their witch drawn map to find the book that will set them free.

However, such libraries charge a hefty price for their services.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction

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Title: Inking Ashore
Author: KN Schultz

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