As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.

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Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc v2

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Title: Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc v2
Author: Mark Twain

In Two Volumes
Volume 2.

Chapter 28 Joan Foretells Her Doom

THE TROOPS must have a rest. Two days would be allowed for this.

The morning of the 14th I was writing from Joan's dictation in a small room which she sometimes used as a private office when she wanted to get away from officials and their interruptions.
Catherine Boucher came in and sat down and said:

"Joan, dear, I want you to talk to me."

"Indeed, I am not sorry for that, but glad. What is in your mind?"

"This. I scarcely slept last night, for thinking of the dangers you are running. The Paladin told me how you made the duke stand out of the way when the cannon-balls were flying all about, and so saved his life."

"Well, that was right, wasn't it?"

"Right? Yes; but you stayed there yourself. Why will you do like that? It seems such a wanton risk."

"Oh, no, it was not so. I was not in any danger."

"How can you say that, Joan, with those deadly things flying all about you?"

Joan laughed, and tried to turn the subject, but Catherine persisted.
She said:

"It was horribly dangerous, and it could not be necessary to stay in such a place. And you led an assault again. Joan, it is tempting Providence. I want you to make me a promise. I want you to promise me that you will let others lead the assaults, if there must be assaults, and that you will take better care of yourself in those dreadful battles.

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Author: James Allen

Table of Contents:

  1. True Happiness
  2. Foreword
  3. The Immortal Man
  4. The Uses of Temptation
  5. The Overcoming of Self
  6. The Man of Integrity
  7. Belief, the Basis of Action
  8. Discrimination
  9. Belief that Saves
  10. Your Mental Attitude
  11. Thought and Action
  12. Sowing and Reaping
  13. The Supreme Justice
  14. The Reign of Law
  15. The Use of Reason
  16. Resolution
  17. Self-Discipline
  18. The Glorious Conquest
  19. The Temple of Brotherhood
  20. Contentment in Activity
  21. Pleasant Pastures of Peace

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Category: Classic

19 Classic Ghost Stories

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Title: 19 Classic Ghost Stories

Table Of Contents:

  1. A Cold Greeting
  2. Present at a Hanging
  3. A Wireless Message
  4. A Man with Two Lives
  5. An Arrest
  6. Three and One are One
  7. Two Military Executions
  8. A Baffled Ambuscade
  9. The Isle of Pines
  10. A Vine on a House
  11. A Fruitless Assignment
  12. At Old Man Eckert's
  13. The Other Lodgers
  14. The Spook House
  15. The Thing at Nolan
  16. An Unfinished Race
  17. The Difficulty of Crossing a Field
  18. Charles Ashmore's Trail
  19. Science to the Front

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Category: Classic


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Author: Arthur Train

Being the Confessions of A Successful Man



"We have grown literally afraid to be poor. We despise any one who elects to be poor in order to simplify and save his inner life. We have lost the power of even imagining what the ancient idealization of poverty could have meant--the liberation from material attachments; the unbribed soul; the manlier indifference; the paying our way by what we are or do, and not by what we have; the right to fling away our life at any moment irresponsibly--the more athletic trim, in short the moral fighting shape.... It is certain that the prevalent fear of poverty among the educated class is the worst moral disease from which our civilization suffers."
William James, p. 313.


"My house, my affairs, my ache and my religion--"
I was fifty years old to-day. Half a century has hurried by since I first lay in my mother's wondering arms. To be sure, I am not old; but I can no longer deceive myself into believing that I am still young. After all, the illusion of youth is a mental habit consciously encouraged to defy and face down the reality of age. If, at twenty, one feels that he has reached man's estate he, nevertheless, tests his strength and abilities, his early successes or... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Classic, History

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Title: The History of Herodotus

For anyone who is even marginally interested in ancient history, reading Herodotus is a must - this, after all, is the ebook that has given "history" its name. But his work is anything else but a mere account of dates, battles and names - it brings to live the 5th and 6th centuries BCE, with an abundance of fascinating tales of human virtues and vices, of honor and cruelty, of visions and nightmares, of achievements and defeats, of lives and deaths. While in his work the factual blends with the mythological and the fantastic, Herodotus never loses sight of the actual historical events of the epoch-making confrontation between the Greeks and the all powerful Persian Empire.

The present edition includes seven maps, and new footnotes.

The plain text version of this ebook is free; the PDF version is free for holders of the publisher's "Library Card."

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Category: Entertainment, Classic, Education

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Title: Attitude Caption for Facebook
Author: Caption for Facebook

Attitude Caption for Facebook that we have made for people to use on their profile to attract visitors and gain more likes and followers. So Don't forget to check this E-book that is free of cost.

We have written 1000+ Caption in this book you can find a caption for your Facebook, Instagram and twitter according to your mood.

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