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Affiliates ebooks

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Category: Affiliates

Your Key to Affiliate Cash

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Title: Your Key to Affiliate Cash

Want to make more money with those affiliate programs you've been promoting?

"Learn My Simple Bank-Breaking Secrets To Generate Big Cash By Promoting Affiliate Programs And Opportunities and Sleep Better At Night Knowing You Have Money Machines Working For You 24/7!"

Dear friend,

How would you like to discover the secret tactics that I use to make big profits promoting other people's products and get an advantage over all of the other affiliates?!

If you think that sounds good, then keep reading as you are about to find out exactly how to do that, no matter what your experience level is!

Affiliate marketing is huge online with thousands of products you can promote and make huge money from without having to work your fingers to the bone! It is literally the perfect business! You do not have to deal with customer support issues, billing issues, or even have to create your own product..

All you have to do is promote one unique affiliate link and get paid! And, if you have the right information, information that gives you an unfair advantage over all of the other affiliates, then you can get paid big!

But Here's The Real Secret!

Once You Have This Information, You Can Duplicate It..
And That's Where The Real Money Comes In!

Think if you had 10 or so products that you promote

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Category: Affiliates

Super Affiliate Secrets Uncovered

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Title: Super Affiliate Secrets Uncovered

Learn How To Generate A Fortune As A Super Affiliate

Why be an affiliate when you can be a Super Affiliate. The process is the same, but the paychecks are significantly different! Go for the gold and the larger than life lifestyle.

Welcome to the affiliate marketing workshop featuring Rosalind Gardner. My name is Terry Telford and I'll be your host for today's session as we talk to Rosalind about the business of affiliate marketing. Rosalind Gardner is one of the world's premiere super affiliates, and her story is very, very inspirational, because she didn't have any business background. In spite of that, she developed an affiliate business system that earns her an excess of $500,000 in U.S. dollars. Being a Canadian, she is able to leverage that further because of the fluctuations and exchange rates. Rosalind has agreed to share her wealth of knowledge with us today, and show us exactly how we can follow in her footsteps and start earning a really respectable affiliate paycheck. So, I'd like to start out by saying thank you very much for taking the time to be with us today, Rosalind.

And thank you for asking me today, Terry.

Maybe you can start out by telling us a little bit about yourself and how you ended up getting into affiliate marketing in the beginning.

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Category: Affiliates

High End Affiliate Marketing Secrets

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Title: High End Affiliate Marketing Secrets

How To Successfully Sell High End Affiliate Products

Imagine uncovering the secrets that powerful high end affiliates use to sell products that range from $10,000 - $25,000. You're about to enter the world of the high rollers where commissions from one sale can be upwards of $5,000.

Hi, you're listening to Terry Telford from, and today we're very fortunate to have with us an extremely successful high-end affiliate marketer. His name is Josh Peak from Josh has actually developed a very interesting business model because he is a professional affiliate marketer, but not for your average $20, $30, $100 programs. Josh specializes in high-end affiliate programs. So, when we're talking about high-end we're talking about anything in the range of $4,000 to $10,000. So, it's a little bit of a different aspect or way of doing business than it would be for marketing your low-end, up to $100, affiliate products.

So, Josh has agreed to let me pick his brain for a while and basically go through a run through of how he runs his business and how he actually gets people signed up to his affiliate programs when they cost the dollar figures that we're looking at.

First of all, I'd like to say thank you very much for being here today, Josh.

Thank you Terry;

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Category: Affiliates

Creating Perfect Affiliate Bonus Packages

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Title: Creating Perfect Affiliate Bonus Packages

What's the Secret of Being a Successful Affiliate Marketer?

Selling Other People's Information Products is a Fantastic Way to Make A Fortune Fast ...



Build Your Affiliate Marketing in a Way That Is Not Used by 99% of Your Competition!!

Generate generous affiliate commissions for yourself using unique marketing techniques that your rivals would never, ever think of using!

Discover how the richest people in marketing "work" affiliate systems like Clickbank, Commission Junction and Hydramedia to make hundreds and even thousands of dollars per month in affiliate income!

It's all detailed here for you in this new e-Book -

Creating Perfect Affiliate Bonus Packages

Discover how to promote your product, attract targeted traffic and land the big sales numbers that you have always dreamed of as a marketer!

Dear Fellow Internet Marketer!

Right at this very moment there are thousands of affiliate marketers, both new and experienced who are all marketing the same products and trying to make a decent income.

This mass of people are all trying to do the same thing - build a business empire by

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Category: Affiliates

Super Affiliate Marketing Methods Exposed

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Title: Super Affiliate Marketing Methods Exposed


"Super Affiliate Marketing Methods Exposed"

How super affiliates make the most money with only 11% effort!

In this book, you will learn all about:

  • The Right Way To Blog and Ping...
  • An Overall Look At E-Mailing
  • How To Be A "Bum".
  • Just How Do You Exchange Traffic!
  • The Right Wat To Utilize Squidoo and Hubpages.
  • Forums And Social Sites.

Much MORE!


Table Of Contents:

  • Foreword
  • Be A "Bum"
  • Blog and Ping
  • E-Mailing
  • Utilize Squidoo and Hubpages
  • Utilize Social Media
  • Forums And Social Sites
  • Exchange Traffic

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Category: Affiliates

Winning The Affiliate War

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Title: Winning The Affiliate War

"How To Stay On Top Of The Affiliate Marketing Competition!"

Affiliate Marketing is a lot like a football game, just without the bruises and sore muscles.

When you are one of many marketers who are trying to sell the very same product to the very same consumers you had better have a plan to get at least your fair share of the market or more.

Every niche market on the Internet is highly competitive. If it isn't competitive then there can't possibly be much of a customer base to sell to. That is just the nature of all Internet marketing and in every niche.

Winning The Affiliate War offers an expert insight into how the average affiliate marketer can level the playing field and best his or her chances in becoming a top affiliate marketer in his or her own rights!

In This E-Book, Learn:

  • How to crank out profit-pulling words that sell and make potential customers jump off the fence to buy through you instead of gazillions of other competitors in the same niche promoting the same product!
  • How to win the affiliate war!
  • How to part yourself from the rest of the average "me too" marketers.
  • Why you shouldn't be offering rebates and cutting yourself short in the process! (I will discuss with you why as this is often a heavily popular tactic used by average marketers... and I certainly don't endorse you to take this highly
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Category: Affiliates

Super Affiliate Commissions

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Title: Super Affiliate Commissions

PDF Transcript

The Super Affiliate Code Is Finally Cracked...

"Here's How You Can Stuff Money Into Your Pocket Starting Today... Using Easy But Little Known Methods That Require Nothing More Than 4 Hours A Day Of Your Time!"

NEW BREAKTHROUGH DISCOVERY Reveals Easy But Highly Profitable Methods To Ramp In Obscene Amounts Of Cash Into Your Bank Account... Without Having Your Own Product!

Dear Friend,

How would you like to see many emails stashed into your Inbox account every single day?

I mean... who wouldn't?!

Problem is, many money-making so-called "gurus" make it sound so easy, it's too good to be true. Now I personally believe that making money isn't that difficult.

Provided that you know exactly WHAT to do.

And provided that you come to terms that you need to put in some effort to make that work.

Yes, I'm not about to promise you the 'pie in the sky' riches. Putting my methods to work require you to work hard temporarily. But the rewards will last for a long time to come.

I know by saying this, I've already put many people reading this off. But why the heck should I care? I'm in business, and I want to attract intelligent customers.

"Because I Want You To Come To

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Category: Affiliates

Affiliate Fireworks

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Title: Affiliate Fireworks

(PDF Transcript)

How To Become A Successful Affiliate

Becoming a successful affiliate isn't rocket science. There is a simple system for running a successful affiliate business...and you're about to discover how to tap into that system.

Hi, you're listening to Terry Telford from, and the first thing we'll do is take care of a little legal disclaimer. All of this material is copy written. All rights are reserved by Bridgeport Communications and All of this material is for informational purposes only; we do not guarantee your results because your results can vary based on individual efforts. Today we're very lucky to have Eva Browne-Patterson from Australia with us. She is the webmaster extraordinaire of, and I think we'll let you take it away Eva. First of all, thank you for being on the call.
You're welcome, Terry. It's a pleasure to be here.
Oh, thank you. We can just jump right in. What's your background?
How did you come about getting onto the Internet?
I've always worked with computers; for over 20 years now, I've had a fascination with them in my full-time job and when I was at home. I worked full time as a computer operator years and years ago when I

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Category: Affiliates, Business

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Title: Public Domain Domination
Author: Omarra Byrd

"You Are About To Discover The WELL GUARDED SECRETS Of The Public Domain! Learn How You Too Can Create Your Very Own Line Of HOT PRODUCTS, Using Existing Content In The Public Domain, MOSTLY FREE OF CHARGE... And Perfectly Legal!"

If You Are In The Information Marketing Business, You Would Do Well To Discover THE SECRET WEAPON Of Top Marketers: The Public Domain! A Secret That Has Enabled Them To Spawn Series After Series Of HOT PRODUCTS In Their Own Name Using Content That Is Readily Available To Anyone From Within The Public Domain


Dear Professional Information Marketer,

How would you like to:

  • Spawn an endless series of products of your own in any niche imaginable?
  • And achieve this legally and FREE of charge or low-cost?
  • Get quality, time-tested content for your products, blog, e-zine, reports, and/or more from an already available resource?


Introducing: "Public Domain Domination!"

Finally... This Is Your Golden Opportunity To Build Yourself An Endless Line Of HOT PRODUCTS In Your Name And Make A Fortune From Existing Materials In The Public Domain!


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Category: Affiliates, Business, Home Business

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Title: How to Make Money in the Home Based Salvage and Recycling Business
Author: Michael R. Meuser

I've been in the salvage and recycling business since the early 1980s. I began in scrap metals and then moved on into deconstruction, used lumber and building materials. Later I learned how to recover gold from electronic, computer and telecommunication scrap.

I've learned over the years that while many lust after gold, I find things worth as much or more than gold with little competition.

This ebook is my unique story. I tell it so that you can learn to avoid my mistakes and to profit from my successes.

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